Gregory Porter sings at the Jazz à Vauvert

Gregory Porter, a singer and composer of world format, sings at the Jazz à Vauvert. Yes. THE Porter. The one with the Grammy Awards of the big concert halls. Incredible. But true. This cultural experience is, of course, not to be missed. I like the music of Gregory Porter very well. His deep voice full of warmth touches me every time from the first note. Strong and masculine in sound and vulnerable and open in his lyrics. I can hardly wait for the concert. I’m almost a little excited.

On the 8th of July 2017, it is finally time. The Envie de Sud is fully booked for the first time and I go to the arena with my guests. It is a lukewarm summer evening and we are full of anticipation. There is a festival atmosphere. Everyone is dressed casual, a drink in his hand and the fragrance of French fries and sweet crêpes hangs in the air. Super that two of my guests know the organizer of the concerts personally. They make me acquainted with Fabrice. We are talking. The Jazz à Vauvert is a branch of the established Jazz à Junas, a place just a few kilometers from here. The festival has been held in Junas for 22 years. At that time, one deliberately chose a place that is unspectacular in itself. They wanted to give space to jazz. And lo and behold. Even the big stars find the way to Junas. For 3 years also in the arena of Vauvert. For two reasons like Fabrice explained: Firstly, the Maire (mayor) is a jazz fan and secondly, the arena is very attractive as a concert venue.

Just at 9 pm Gregory Porter enters the stage. A two-meter man in a bright suit with the stature of a football player. His trademark: a dark balloon cap and a black hose scarf. He enchants us from the first note. The atmosphere in the audience is relaxed, almost familiar. Porters stage presence is impressive. He sings his big hits and fills the arena with his sonorous baritone. Gentle ballads like “Hey Laura” alternate with groovy pieces like “Don’t loose your steam” The band accompanies Porter casually and leaves the musicians room for spectacular solos. Now and then I turn around and look into the audience behind me on the steps of the arena. Lots of happy faces. Such an open-air concert always has a special flair. The music, the light, the common feeling – everything fits.

I could hear the song “Consequences of Love” in endless looping. Every note, every phrasing, every pause fits. Oh, I could cry so beautifully he sings. I’m missing my darling Andreas very much at this moment. He misses a special evening in the Arena of Vauvert. Good to know that the Festival de Jazz à Junas and Vauvert will also be held next year. Whether Gregory Porter comes back I do not know. I really hope so. But also, the other artists: Laurent Coulondre, Avishai Cohen and Cory Henry offered great concerts my guests told me. Fabrice and his partners will be bound to commit outstanding artists for next year.

So, book your room in Envie de Sud in time. Combine the visit of a few concerts with relaxed holidays with us. I look forward to your company. And did I mention that I was allowed to visit Gregory Porter after the concert backstage? Almost embarrassed, he accepted my honestly complimented compliments. His “Oh, thank you so much, my dear” is still swinging in my ears.

Sincerely, Ursula